Need a New Life Direction

need-a-new-life-directionHave you experienced a life-changing event that makes you question your priorities?   A health crisis for yourself or someone close to you?   The death of a friend?   A natural disaster?  These events and others like them make you wonder if you are living your life the way you really want.

Studies show life changing events make people reflect on their life path, review their priorities and set new goals.  How did you get where you are and how can you focus on things that are true to yourself and that matter?

These are periods of renewal.  They may not seem so at the time, but these confronting experiences open you up new perspectives and are an opportunity to make amazing changes in your life.  Subtle shifts in thought from “I should have” to “I did my best at the time” can stifle the self critic and give you the chance to refresh and refocus your life.

The 8 Steps to Becoming You program guides you in the self-reflection that comes with these events.  In a gentle, thorough and structured way you explore what you are doing in key areas of your life.  By working through the program you identify and implement daily habits that will enable you to live a balanced and meaningful life.