6 Ways to Improve Your Mood Naturally
Are you finding yourself sluggish and less than cordial when you wake up? Here’s an arsenal of 10 simple steps that will not only keep you from feeling grumpy, it will get you out the door and onto a more productive day.
1. Preparation is key
Look at your calendar and take 10 minutes before you go to bed to plan out your activities for the next day. In the morning, reevaluate what you need to do and plan out your day accordingly. Procrastination is one of the biggest triggers to feeling overwhelmed and unfulfilled. Taking control of your daily destiny will help you feel in control and more successful overall.
2. Share your joys
In today’s world it has become common place to talk about things you dislike or even hate as a part of daily small talk. Sharing these negative thoughts freely inevitably will bring your mood down. Additionally, hearing negative comments throughout your day will also bring down your mood. To combat the negativity, talk about the joyous things in your life. Not only will you feel better, but the joy you share will spread among your friends and family making your entire social circle happier.
3. Make yourself smile
It has proven that smiling improves your mood even if you weren’t initially happy. Just 2 minutes of smiling will make you feel more positive. So, the next time you’re feeling down take some time and smile for no reason at all. It will work, trust me.
4. Find a creative outlet & unplug
Whether you love to write, paint, design homes, form opinions and solutions for problems, or anything else creative, take some time to actually do it. Turn off your computer, shut off the televison and move away from your cell phone. Find a place that is electronics free and do something truly creative with your hands and materials. By designating space that is “unplugged” your brain will start to work differently. The variation in routine will stimulate your mind and cause endorphins to kick in.
5. Eat salmon for dinner
A comprehensive review of studies comparing the incidence of mood disorders in several countries found that eating at least two seafood meals per week—high in omega-3 fatty acids, specifically—was associated with lower rates of depression and other emotional disorders. Avocados are also great foods to eat in order to get those omega-3s into your week if you’re not a fish loving kind of person.
6. Stretch first thing in the morning
If you’re like most women, getting out of bed in the morning isn’t always easy. You can get your day started in a positive way by taking 10 minutes to stretch. Stretching will provide your muscles relaxation while still getting your blood flowing making you ready for anything.
Share how you make your days a little more cheerful in the comment section below.