How We Help

Need a New Life Direction

need-a-new-life-directionHave you experienced a life-changing event that makes you question your priorities?   A health crisis for yourself or someone close to you?   The death of a friend?   A natural disaster? These are periods of renewal.  They may not seem so at the time, but these confronting experiences open you up new perspectives and are an opportunity to make amazing changes in your life.

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Starting New After A Relationship Ends

starting-newAre you freshly out of a relationship, and a bit unclear about where you want to go with your life and your time now?  Has your divorce, separation or relationship break up left your confidence a bit shaky? With every end there is a new beginning.  Now is the perfect time to focus on you.

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Personal Growth & Confidence

personal-growth-and-confidenceYou know that life is a journey and a process.  It’s not about the finish line, it’s about all the things we do along the way.  To make the most out of life we need to be aware of what we are doing and always look to tweak and improve where we can.

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Work, Family, What About Me?

temp-guideAre you flat out trying to balance your work and your family life? Do you end your days exhausted and wonder when you will ever get some time for yourself? Have you let your body get out of shape and find all those little things you used to do for yourself (the hairdresser, the spa, the gym) are less and less frequent? Would you like to find a new spark in your marriage? Real, achievable positive changes are waiting for you.

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Tired of Being Perfect

tired of being perfect, rock statueMany women feel this need to be perfect.  Some deal with outside pressure (a mom, a partner) whose critical eye is always cast their way.  Others are affected by the culture we live in where idealized images of people and lifestyles are everywhere.  But this tyranny of perfectionism does not serve women well.  You can let go of the need to be superwoman.

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