How to Find More Tranquility At Home
A 2012 study in the Journal of Psychology found that women tend to experience more stress than men. Does stress play a big part in your life? Do you find it difficult to sit back and relax at home? There are simple steps you can take to reduce stress and find more tranquility in your down time at home. Use these guidelines to evaluate your current routine and establish methods to wind-down and find calm after a long day:
1. Declutter
A messy or over-cluttered home can be a big source of stress and unhappiness in your life. Just think about all the time you spend tidying, cleaning, and storing belongings. Make a plan to declutter gradually by donating items that you do not use or no longer need. Start small. Tackle one junk drawer or closet at a time, tossing, donating, or reorganizing what’s inside. To make the transition easier, put items you don’t need inside a donation box. Let the donation box sit and then revisit it again in a few weeks. You will be surprised by how little you “missed” the items inside and you may have an easier time letting them go.
2. Unplug
From email, texting, and social media, to internet and TV ads, we are inundated daily with non-stop messaging, images, and information. You may go online to check Facebook, and before you know it an hour has passed by. It can be distracting and overwhelming to process all of the images and information we consume daily. To reduce the impact of all of this noise, try taking a break from technology each day. Avoid the temptations of the screen by turning off the TV and computer and putting your phone away for a few offline hours each day.
3. Make Time
With less clutter and less screen time, you will be more able to make time for yourself to simply relax quietly and be alone. If you have a partner or family, then communicate your need for a few minutes or more of alone time. Set a positive boundary so they understand why this is important to you and how they can be respectful of your needs. Find a healthy ritual like going for a walk, drinking herbal tea, practicing meditation, journaling, or drawing that helps you to feel more fulfilled and calm.
What do you do to find tranquility and calm in your everyday routine? Please share your thoughts in the comments below. For more inspiration, read about how the 8 Steps to Becoming You program can help you realize greater fulfillment and happiness in your life.
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