Getting Your Life on Track After a Relationship Ends
In life, it is inevitable that you will have your share of heartbreaks and they are never easy. But you are strong! It is possible to rebound from a broken relationship and not only move on, but grow from it. But how do you go about getting your life on track after a relationship ends? How do you get yourself on a course to feeling better and dare I say, having fun again? The truth is you can use the time after a breakup to create an even fuller and more satisfying life. This healing period just takes time and your attention to a few key areas.
Take care of you
Starting over after a break up can take a toll on you physically and emotionally. Invest in some of the comforts you may have neglected before the relationship ended.
- Take time to do a hobby that you enjoy but never had the time for because you were with your partner.
- Pamper yourself! Take baths regularly, go to a spa, listen to relaxing music and show your-self-love.
- Say one positive thing about yourself every morning when you wake up and have it be your mantra for the day. If you are feeling down, think about that same positive waking thought.
- Get Vitamin D by going outside and enjoy the sunshine. 15 minutes is all it will take and it will make you feel better.
- Take a Yoga class or meditate for at least 30 minutes per day. These practices clear your mind and enable you to get in touch with your beautiful inner self.
In addition to these things make sure you get plenty of rest, ramp up your healthy food intake and get out there and move your body in some form of exercise. You’ll be on your way to a new you in no time.
The encouragement of good friends and family is the perfect prescription for a heavy heart. All of us need other people to be healthy and thrive but we need support even more so when have been through a break up.
Pick up the phone and reconnect with good friends. And don’t forget to reach out to some of those friends you have made on your social networks and family out of town.
Online video chat software like Skype or FaceTime is a great way to bring loved ones into your living room without the cost of an airline ticket. Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy catching up while boosting your mood and theirs too.
Make time for fun! A study at University of Oxford showed that when we laugh with friends, we release the endorphins that help us cope with pain and manage our stress levels. Here are a few ideas to get you laughing.
- Grab a friend and go see a comedy together
- Dance in your room “like no one’s watching!”
- Play a prank on someone
- Watch short clips of your favorite comedians on YouTube
When laughter is shared, it brings people closer together and increases intimacy. Find a friend and your inner child and giggle your blues away.
Be Positive
It may seem a lot easier to focus on the negative but being resentful and angry can rob you of your joy and stop the healing process. Concentrating on what you are gaining instead of what has been lost can bring personal growth and show you just where your strengths are. Positive thoughts also cancel out the negative effects of stress. Practice gratitude and watch your stress melt away! Being grateful for all you have today and all you will have in the future will shift your perspective and help you achieve a full and meaningful life.
Keep a Journal
A study by the American Psychological Association showed that those people who documented the positive things about their relationship’s end tended to have increased feelings of satisfaction, happiness and thankfulness along with many other benefits. Your journal will also serve as a tangible reminder of how far you’ve come and how strong you really are.
The old adage, “Time heals all wounds” is partly true, however, it is what you do with that time that makes all the difference. Taking time to laugh with friends and documenting your journey will inevitably make success so much sweeter.
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Thank you Laurie!
This was perfect for me this morning:)