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8 Steps to Becoming You

I’m glad to see you here, on the path to a better, brighter future.  You are a motivated and courageous woman.  Many people just get stuck and do not make the effort to change. Not you!  You are going to reap the rewards of putting focused effort into your life. Better relationships, better sense of yourself, more contentment.

There are a lot of distractions in the world. So many things tug at us, it is no wonder we can forget about what our real goals are and those things that give our life a sense of meaning and true accomplishment.

As you work through the 8 Steps to Becoming You program, you will reconnect with your true self. You will connect with your feelings and those thoughts that either serve you or don’t. The program helps you get rid of those negative influences and shows you how to focus on creating positive, realistic, life affirming habits.

Embrace this time you are spending on yourself! The benefits of this work will last you a lifetime!

Laurie Marsden

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  1. Pingback: The Two Best Positive Thinking Techniques for Your Every Day Life | Laurie Marsden

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