Steps for Gaining Self Confidence and Getting Your Groove Back
Every woman has a story. Each tale is filled with challenges, accomplishments, amazingly happy moments and upsetting disappointments. Sometimes, we take chances and succeed. Sometimes, we fall flat on our faces. While every story is different and unique to that individual, there is one thing we all have in common. These stories, these one-of-a-kind ventures and adventures (!) that life brings us belong completely to us, and through our thoughts, feelings and behaviors, we help write the script.
Obviously, life isn’t always easy and sometimes it just sucks. A “perfect life” doesn’t exist, so throw that idea out straight away. Life is about being present in the moment and doing the best you can. Yes, YOU. The key word and the key to your life is “you.” The power of the self and your inner wisdom are there to be tapped into and utilized as your guiding force. But sometimes we get in our own way, or just don’t feel that we can trust ourselves completely. If you are struggling with gaining self-confidence, or rediscovering it, now is the time to reconnect. Getting your groove back is within your reach, but it is a goal you must opt into. Here are some tips on how to boost your self-esteem and get into your groove.
Understanding Self-esteem
The term ‘self-esteem’ is often bandied around, but generally misunderstood. What exactly does it mean? Self esteem relates to the overall concept of how you feel about yourself. Having a healthy and high regard for yourself and your abilitites dictates your life outlook and, subsequently, your success at managing life. Two major building blocks of self-esteem are self worth and self-concept.
Self worth involves everything that you believe about yourself. Positive self worth can lead you to believe in yourself. Self-concept is the foundation upon which that belief is built. Together, both of these essential mechanisms comprise self-esteem. High self-esteem is not about feeling superior to others. It’s grounded internally and does not depend on others for comparison or affirmation.
Cut Yourself a Break
How many times have you made a mistake and let it define you? Or beat yourself up about making the wrong choice? If you constantly reprimand yourself for mistakes, you short circuit your chances to feel confident and happy. Negative self judgment can be incredibly poisonous, leading to self-doubt and stifling decision making. Everyone makes mistakes. When you err ask yourself what the lesson was. What did you learn? It’s important to recognize that life will be full of hiccups. Learn what you need to, use that knowledge to your advantage and move right along. It’s all about self forgiveness and personal TLC. And yes, it is OK to be imperfect!
Take a Risk…Or Several
Taking risks is a fundamental aspect of getting your groove back. I’m not talking about risk-taking behavior with obvious negative or unhealthy consequences. I’m talking about positive risk taking. Challenging yourself to take risks that enhance your life for the better and break out of old “holding pattern” habits. For some women, taking a risk may mean finally pursuing that degree they always wanted but got caught up with work or family commitments. For others, taking a risk could mean mustering up the courage to say ‘no’ to a family member who is always asking for something! These are the types of risks that encourage personal growth and help you feel more empowered as you write your life script.
What Are You Worth?
‘Are you worth it?’ is probably one of the most important questions that you could ask yourself. The answer of course is “yes” but we can’t feel like a L’Oreal ad all the time. Still having a fundamental core understanding and feeling that you are “worth it” is basic and integral to self-esteem. When women know their self worth, when they feel priceless and limitless, they are free to both be themselves and accomplish amazing things in life. And this isn’t about comparisons or reviews from friends. It’s not about what others think of you. At the end of the day, you define your purpose and, therefore, yourself. You have to know that you are definitely…worth it!
Is it time for you to reconnect with yourself and charge up your self-confidence? A little extra help could get you back on track in no time. Contact us and we’ll help you get a jump start on getting your groove back.