Women Helping Women: Leonie Young Interview by Laurie Marsden
There are amazing women out there who spend their time and work in ways that help other women. As a new part of LaurieMarsden.com I am speaking to these devoted advocates and seeing what advice and wisdom they can pass our way. Our first guest is Leonie Young from Kim Walter’s Choices (KWC) program at the Wesley Hospital in Brisbane, Australia. Leonie is a Peer Support Coordinator and counsels women dealing with breast and gynecological cancers. KWC also offers women massage therapy, reiki, reflexology, workshops, and peer support groups among other things. When faced with life and death, women dealing with cancer and the women who help them often realize what’s important in life and make the most out of the time and life they have! Watch my interview with Leonie to find out her interesting story and words of wisdom for you and your life. Laurie
Great! Really enjoyed this. Thank you!