3 Tips for Managing Stress During The Holidays
Beginning with Thanksgiving, and stretching into January and the New Year, the holiday season can be a source of stress for many women. Between travel, gift-giving, and family visits, you may be feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or tired around holiday time.
You can reduce most holiday stress by adjusting your attitude and behavior to gain perspective and focus on the positive. Use the tips below to slow down and find greater happiness during the holiday season.
1. Avoid Thinking In Absolutes
Thinking in black and white terms is a common source of stress during the holidays. If you are a perfectionist, then take a step back and achieve a more realistic mindset to let go of unrealistic expectations and embrace everyday ups and downs. Worrying about hosting the perfect dinner or looking flawless for winter events can add an extra layer of stress and unhappiness to your life. In the same way, avoid negative self-talk where you categorize stressful situations or relationships in absolute terms. Statements such as “she or he always,” “every year is like this,” and “I never have a good time,” are signs that you need to re-evaluate your point of view. Allow for the possibility that this year your relationships and experiences may feel happy and rewarding.
2. Budget for Travel and Gifts
The high cost of travel and the desire to indulge in holiday shopping can lead to financial stress. Remember to budget ahead of time for any winter travel or gift purchases. Take time to discuss gift-giving expectations with children. Outline the budget for new items and explain why it is important for the entire family to stick to a budget. Get creative and involve your children in projects to create homemade presents for friends and family. If relatives live far away, and the expense to travel for the holidays will break the bank, be honest and kindly say “no” to invitations. If possible, suggest an alternate plan to spend time with relatives in the off-season when airfare or hotels are less costly.
3. Take Care of Yourself
The holidays can feel hectic. You may find yourself running in circles to finish projects at work, shop for gifts, or prepare for holiday visits and dinners. In order to look and feel your best, keep up with healthy eating, exercise, and self-care routines. If you are feeling stressed out, you may be tempted to treat your stress by over-indulging in food or alcohol. Instead of reaching for another drink or one more piece of pie, try a brisk walk with your family instead. Find a moment each day when you will not be interrupted and sit quietly. Use that time to check-in with the inner voice in your head and process how you are feeling. Take deep breaths and let any small worries go. This is a great way to slow down and achieve a more positive and stress-free perspective.
Stay tuned to Laurie’s blog for tips on feeling happier and more fulfilled each day. For women who wish to find their best selves, Laurie offers the “8 Steps to Becoming You” program. Find out more about this interactive program on her website.