Category Archives: Confidence

letting go of worry

3 Tips for Letting Go of Worry for Good

All women experience their share of worry, no matter their age or status. We worry about our appearances, how others perceive us, and whether we’ll attain our goals, among other things. Though occasional worries are to be expected, constant worry can send you into an anxious tailspin. Luckily, a little strategizing can go a long keep reading

4 reasons giving back feels so good

Volunteering and Happiness: 4 Reasons Why Giving Back Feels So Good

Are you looking for an activity or outlet that makes you feel happy and connected to the people around you? Volunteering with a charity or organization can help you to feel more grounded and fulfilled. Spending your time helping others is also a great way to help yourself. In a recent volunteering study, researchers found keep reading

manage stress holiday season

3 Tips for Managing Stress During The Holidays

Beginning with Thanksgiving, and stretching into January and the New Year, the holiday season can be a source of stress for many women. Between travel, gift-giving, and family visits, you may be feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or tired around holiday time. You can reduce most holiday stress by adjusting your attitude and behavior to gain perspective keep reading

5 Beauty Care Tips for Busy Women

5 Personal Care Tips for Busy Women Who Want to Feel Beautiful

When is the last time you pampered yourself or felt truly beautiful? Do you feel pulled in too many different directions to focus on your own self-care? After work, caring for family, and completing household chores personal care may become a low priority for you. Feeling beautiful and confident in your appearance however, can positively impact keep reading

How to get your partner to do more housework

Getting your partner to do more around the house is not an impossible feat. Increasing their awareness of what needs to be done and negotiating tasks is a great first step. After that reminders about agreements and gentle nudges to get things done are usually necessary. Remember to keep the conversation going and fluid. Since keep reading