Category Archives: Health

How to See the Positive Side of Life After a Traumatic Event: Clarifying Lens

After learning that I had breast cancer, I realized I couldn’t take my life for granted anymore. Everything I valued could be lost and taken away. But what did I value? What in my life was meaningful, or what gave my life meaning? I underwent almost a year of taxing surgeries, and then spent another keep reading

Practicing gratitutde all year

7 Tips for Practicing Gratitude All Year

How was your Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday for taking a step back and appreciating our family, friends, and the many gifts in your life.  This kind of gratitude practice is something you can initiate not just on Thanksgiving, but also all year round. Practicing gratitude has many benefits. It can help you to keep reading

Are You Thankful or Entitled?

As Thanksgiving week is upon us, we can pause and think about all those parts of our lives we are grateful for.  This is a natural theme of the holiday as family and friends gather specifically for this purpose  The challenge is always carrying this attitude with us after the turkey and cranberry sauce is keep reading

find love after divorce

Three Ways to Make Finding Love After Ending a Marriage Less Stressful

After a marriage ends, it may seem like you’ll never even go on a date again, let alone find new love. But when looking for love after your divorce, it’s important to remember that you will get out of the process only what you put in. So be sure to keep a positive attitude about keep reading

5 Positive Thinking Techniques Every Woman Should Know

A habit of negative thinking can hurt your job performance, home life and relationships. Don’t let a negative outlook add stress and unhappiness to your life. Here are five positive thinking techniques that you can try today to regain control over your thoughts and your life: 1. Stop and listen The first step in addressing keep reading