Category Archives: Relationships

manage stress holiday season

3 Tips for Managing Stress During The Holidays

Beginning with Thanksgiving, and stretching into January and the New Year, the holiday season can be a source of stress for many women. Between travel, gift-giving, and family visits, you may be feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or tired around holiday time. You can reduce most holiday stress by adjusting your attitude and behavior to gain perspective keep reading

How to get your partner to do more housework

Getting your partner to do more around the house is not an impossible feat. Increasing their awareness of what needs to be done and negotiating tasks is a great first step. After that reminders about agreements and gentle nudges to get things done are usually necessary. Remember to keep the conversation going and fluid. Since keep reading

find love after divorce

Three Ways to Make Finding Love After Ending a Marriage Less Stressful

After a marriage ends, it may seem like you’ll never even go on a date again, let alone find new love. But when looking for love after your divorce, it’s important to remember that you will get out of the process only what you put in. So be sure to keep a positive attitude about keep reading

5 Positive Thinking Techniques Every Woman Should Know

A habit of negative thinking can hurt your job performance, home life and relationships. Don’t let a negative outlook add stress and unhappiness to your life. Here are five positive thinking techniques that you can try today to regain control over your thoughts and your life: 1. Stop and listen The first step in addressing keep reading